Friday, June 12, 2009

Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Blog

I have read time and time again that Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and Blog (like this one) will help promote your Etsy shop. So...I now do all of the above but when does the benefit kick in??? I am sure I am doing something wrong because I do not seem to be getting any promotional value out of these venues. However, I do seem to be spending too much time doing them.

Myspace -
I have to admit I do love my new Myspace page. I search for fellow Etsians and send them friend requests. Every once in a while someone requests to be my friend. It is great to see all the new items my friends have added to the Etsy shops. promotion value that I can see.

Twitter -
Okay, I admit, this confuses me!!! I am following people that I do not know. I am being followed by people I don't know. I have a few fellow Etsian followers and followees and maybe it would be more fun if there were more Etsians. But...again, how is this promoting??

Facebook -
What can I say? This is sooooo boring. No promoting that I can see.

Blog - You are here.
I am very surprised you are here. If you look at my followers you will see I have 0, zilch, nada followers. Who is here for me to promote to??? The problem with blogging is you have to be a talented writer. You have to write things people actually want to read. Why would anyone want to read this?

That's it - my point of view on M, F, T and B.

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