Friday, July 24, 2009

Audrey's Country Crafts On Etsy

I am thrilled to post my very first feature!!!
I am honored to feature Audrey's Country Crafts She is such a talented and versatile artist!
You will find a variety of beautiful items in her Etsy shop, everything from jewelry to blankets.
She paints, sews, creates beautiful earrings and crafts delightful paper items.
There is no way you can visit her shop and not find the perfect item for yourself or for a gift!!!
Take a look at some of her items:

Like this adorable Rooster Bucket!

And this super sweet Handmade and Painted Heart Stool.

Beautiful Ceramic Bead Earrings.

Hand Painted Flip Flop Jean Blanket.

And this very cute Blue Raggedy Bag!!!
(I guess you can tell I love this!!!)

This is just a small sample of her beautiful items!! You must visit her store to see all of her awesome items!!

Audrey's Country Crafts

I asked Audrey to introduce herself to us:


Hello. My name is Audrey and I'm addicted to Crafting.I started crafting about 15 years ago. At the time I was a stay-at-home mom with 2 small children. One day I saw an ad in the local paper for a beginner folk art painting class. My husband suggested that I go, as a way to get out of the house one evening a week and talk to other adults. So I joined. I think he's sorry now. LOL After attending the class I was hooked and haven't stopped painting since. Did many small craft shows at the beginning, and have done a few larger ones lately. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I just keep telling my husband that crafting is my therapy and it's cheaper than a psychiatrist.

Some of my inspiration for my crafts comes from other crafters. For the last 6 years, 5 friends and I would get together every Wed. evening for coffee, painting & inspiration. But my grandma inspires me the most. She lost her eyesight slowly about 35 years ago, but it didn't slow her down. Grandma tried to teach me to knit when I was younger, it's just not my thing. Couldn't manage to even knit a scarf straight. She is now 93.5 years old (1/2 years count at that age), and still knits everyday, making scarves, mittens and slippers for the great-grandchildren. I hope I can still craft when I'm 93!

I've started sewing again. My Grandparents gave each grandchild a sewing machine as a wedding present. It came in handy when the boys were little, boys clothes are pretty easy. No zippers in sweats, sweatshirts or t-shirts. (don't like zippers) I was thrilled when I realized that I could combine sewing and painting by making the jean blankets. They are so much fun to make and paint. It's easy to have each one be unique.

The best thing about crafting is meeting other crafters/artists. It's an amazing community where most everyone is quite willing to share their knowledge and help whenever they can. I love to see what everyone is doing, and learn about them, there art/craft and why they do it. Hopefully I can craft/paint and blog for many more years.


Thank you for sharing, Audrey!

Thank you also for allowing me to feature your lovely Etsy shop!!!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature Janet!! It looks wonderful!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I should feature a shop on my blog--excellent idea :)
